We had lived the era of writing scraps and now living the era of posting on walls.
2007 had seen the peak popularity of Orkut. But later 2010 had to witness the demise of Orkut paving way to the current leader, FACEBOOK, popularly known to the netizens as ‘FB’.
Infact, one had to fall for the rise of the other.
The tactics followed by FB to hold the users in its footsteps was the key factor of its success. Apart from pulling in users, they ensured that the users spent maximum time in their pages. Chats, Games, Applications, Quizzes ..what not!!. You have all at one go for UNLIMITED fun at FB.
But – All that goes up needs to come down. This old science told by Newton holds good for todays business too!!!
FB freakz may have to give way for another “X”. FB has already started losing its users across the globe. Security is one thing that is NOT catered by FB. Less privacy settings and making all your info transparent to other users are the villains in FB.
Google is re-entering the market (Buzz and Orkut are also Google’s children) with its brand new GOOGLE +. Surely knowing the set backs of current leader, they would definitely try to seal the loop holes in their GOOGLE +.
What do you feel the next era would be??
GOOGLE +, TWITTER, ORKUT …??? OR the cuurent vibe FB?
Topic Contributed by:Divya